KEY WORDS:One-dimensional
Human will is an extraordinary phenomenon.
【“另”世界】 与 论题
Through recognition of architecture as a liberal discipline, The ‘Other’ World , a new thesis studio at the China Academy of Arts, exposes students to different approaches to architecture and design , which challenges increasingly complex interpretations in architecture and rigorous systematic approaches ; it encourages contemporary discourse in architectural education.
"The role of the illusion is derived from the clarity of the anomaly, not the mystery or the fog, and in the fundamental, there is nothing more amazing than accuracy."
—— Robbe · Grillet / 罗伯·格里耶
【小 说】 与 作品
Writing, a form of expression.
Fiction, a form of writing. It is any work that deals, in part or in whole, with information or events that are not real, but rather, imaginary and theoretical—that is, invented by the author. It includes the characters, the plots and the settings. It pictures the thoughts,the actions, the language, the appearances, and sometimes the exposition.The First Part of the studio asks the students to write a fiction that is unwrapped and generated from a word(s) chosen above.
选择小说作为课程开端,源于文字的可接触性和系统性 —— 相较于其他可记录的文字交流形式,语言思维有更为直接的接触。不同于“借鉴文学模式认识建筑”的方式,“另”世界小说的构想来源于作者自己创造的文学,即“自我表达”:建筑师本身即作为小说家去认知世界,并付诸建筑。主观驱动力推动学生极尽发散思维——既有世界构想的而发散,也有表达方式的发散。再者,语言作为一种均质的表达又不同于绘画等本身包含层级系统的形式。构思一篇小说,需要学生在被局限于书写方向和顺序的表达中构建丰满立体的系统。
"Owl Express"《猫头鹰快递公司》
Hanbing Zhao 赵寒冰
Chunwei Wang 王春威
"Bees Gift"《蜂群的礼物》Hangxu Wang 王杭旭
"Sectional Cooking"《烹调的剖面》Yiling Zhou 周轶玲
"Play"《戏》Yingzhen Wu 吴颖甄
"Supermarket Killings"《超市杀人事件》Dongying Liu 刘东英
"Dream Reality"《梦境的现实》Zhijie Zhuo 卓志杰
"Octopus"《章鱼》Chenglong Ma马成龙
"Dust"《尘志》Qifa Sun 孙启发
"Four"《四象》Chong Hong 洪 冲
"Desperate City"《绝望的城市》Jianhui Wang 王剑辉
"From the Deep Sea"《来自深海》Pei Jiang 蒋 佩
"Misha Jellyfish"《水母米莎》Yunting Zhu 朱昀婷
"Ancient Wild World"《荒川记》Siyuan Ding 丁思园
Didar 泽 达
【展 览】 与 讨论
TIME: 2014.10.13-2014.11.13
LOCATION: China Academy of Art Xiangshan Campus, Building14
"For the limitation of writing.
This exhibition maximizes the power of the limitation of writing. Varies actions can be taken when stepping into the exhibition hall-viewing, glancing, guessing, or, reading. There are 15 extremely different fictions, each with an unique setting, plot structure and writing style-the past, the future, the underground, in the space, love story, hate story, action, science fiction, and fairy tales. Yet, each story can only be recognized and understood when reading closely, which requires concentration, short-term memory and is limited by the direction of writing.This exhibition chooses to break all 15 fictions into parts and mixed their order of presentation with others. All words are printed in the same font , size and format, and fill the entire exhibition hall. Reading, as a process of receiving and processing information that is signified, is here being challenged."
对于展览的置入以及以此作为戏谑性的“另”世界-小说阶段性的结束,山山觉得这是另一种表达。展览本身即是一种表达,加入一维文字的线性传递和观展者人为酝酿,三者的交互其实是另一种可能性的呈现。小说在创作过程中,仅仅是作者与文字之间的单向互动,当第三者 —— 阅读者进入时,整个“平衡”状态即被打破。在整个40万字的展厅中,阅读者接受的信息其实并不直观,阅读是一种高度集中的近距离个人活动。
Condensed Version
Under a revolution of science and technology, disrupting the existing social order, personality in the chaotic world dislocation, irrational control, molecular memory jump out of the brain, robot filled with the whole city, resurrection of the murder victim, owl as a messenger. However, it all just theater a comical farce, world operate as usual, dragon remains in charge of outsider, nine sub hidden track in the world, octopus brother and stem cell division of human cloning longing for a bright future, but I do not know the deep sea jellyfish is planning to a great plan..
中国美术学院 / 建筑系 / 毕业设计及理论研究