What is QI?

STUDIO QI ARCHITECTS founded in New York & Hangzhou, is an international cutting-edge architectural design firm specializing in innovative design projects. The design studio focuses on the complexity and sensibility of spatial relationships, wherein it applies 2.5 Dimensional Thinking and Systematic Approaches to generate critical studies and designs for the future.
STUDIO QI confronts the current social problems and modes of living, and pushes for a unique and thoughtful reading challenging it for future social definitions and human relationships. STUDIO QI commits to the design field by enhancing dimensional performance, utilizing both professional and cross -professional knowledge. Our works pursue the thoughtful combination of urban texture and innovative use of space.
STUDIO QI建筑事务所2012年由戚山山创立于美国,现在杭州设立创作和研究性事务所。
Architecture is a way of thinking, 建筑是人类观察并和社会对话的载体,同时又是联动自然与世界的纽带;而建筑师一定是思考者,是帮助构建社会和生态关系的人。对于建筑的思考,意味着不断阐明假设的背景,这个背景组成了我们对于世界的认识。建筑乃小,世界为大,建筑是一种思维方式,作用在建筑之外。秉承这一理念,STUDIO QI坚持用全然不同的创造性思维和设计语言,专注于构建人、建筑、自然和社会的微妙关系,用思辨性的2.5维建筑学理论,从贴近人的角度去探讨和研究建筑的作用力,挖掘建筑在社会中潜在的能量。
STUDIO QI 多次获得国际建筑大奖,包括AIA美国建筑师协会建筑奖,欧洲LEAF绿叶建筑金奖,A&D亚太建筑设计金奖,美国WAF建筑大师大奖,WA世界建筑最佳居住奖和技术进步奖等,作品发表于THE PLAN,DEZEEN,DOMUS,PPAPER,Archdaily, Designboom,WA等多家国际期刊和被知名媒体报道。